# manifestorakyat2021
A More Integrated Approach and Assistance for Women Experiencing Domestic Violence
Kod Dasar:
Badlishah Sham Baharin
2c Women
1. Empower and expand the services of the one-stop-crisis-centre (OSCC) model available currently in the hospital and extend the services to local health clinic (klinik kesihatan) that is widely available nationwide so women do not have to travel far to get help. Many women are helpless especially housewives.
2. Increase the number of officers at Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) to handle the cases.
3. Increase the number of shelter homes nationwide.
4. Campaign to stop domestic violence in society, workplace, school, neighbourhood, religious worship places etc.
Discriminatory law and practice against women in Malaysian binational marriages
Kod Dasar:
Bina Ramanand
Association of Family Support and Welfare Selangor and KL (Family Frontiers)
2c Women
Review citizenship laws, and immigration policies and practices, specifically:
1. Amend Article 14(1)(b) of the Federal Constitution (in accordance with Article 8(2)) to ensure Malaysian mothers can confer their citizenship by operation of law on an equal basis as Malaysian fathers on their children born overseas.
2. Amend Article 15(1) of the Federal Constitution (in accordance with Article 8(2)) to ensure that non-citizen spouses of Malaysian women are entitled to citizenship by registration similar to non-citizen spouses of Malaysian men.
3. Withdraw reservations to Article 9(2) of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
4. Remove the statement of prohibition of employment on the Long-Term Social Visit Pass and the requirement to request prior approval to work.
5. Allow non-citizen spouses to renew their visa without the presence of their spouse.
6. Allow separated, divorced and widowed spouses to access permanent residence when they have Malaysian children, and allow them to renew their legal status without the presence of the Malaysian spouse.
Enact amendment to the Employment Act
Kod Dasar:
Rusni Tajari
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
2c Women
1) Table and pass the proposed amendments to the Employment Act which includes;
- To introduce at least seven days paternity leave in the private sector;
Extend paid maternity leave in the private sector from 60 to 90 days;
- Introduce prohibitions against discrimination based on gender, religion, race, and disability status for employees and job seekers;
- Introduce the right to request for flexible working hours and be protected from discrimination as a result of doing so;
- Strengthen protection against sexual harassment in the Employment Act 1955, in addition to passing an independent Sexual Harassment Act
Definition of discrimination to include direct and indirect discrimination
2) Include positive duties for employers such as provision of day care facilities, transportation for night work, programs for re- entry after childbirth, access facilities for the disabled, and temporary special measures to give an advantage to workers on the basis of gender, disability or minority or other disadvantaged status.
3) Introduce into the Employment Act the principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value as provided for in ILO Convention 100.
Healthcare response to DV/GBV
Kod Dasar:
Rusni Tajari
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
2c Women
1) Display information on domestic violence in the waiting rooms and washrooms of Klinik Kesihatan and hospitals
2) Require healthcare providers to ask about domestic violence when patients have clinical conditions associated with domestic violence
3) Train healthcare providers to recognise, respond to, and refer cases of domestic violence
4) Establish a referral system for domestic violence at the primary healthcare level
Immediate tabling of the sexual harassment bill in parliament
Kod Dasar:
Roohaida Othman
2c Women
1. The sexual harassment bill needs to be tabled immediately in parliament.
2. All public and private institutions set up special committee to create the safe environment against sexual harassment and handle reported cases in their institutions.
3. A public awareness campaign must be conducted at all levels.
Impact on women in Malaysian binational marriages
Kod Dasar:
Melinda Anne Sharlini
Association of Family Support and Welfare Selangor and KL (Family Frontiers)
2c Women
1) Allow divorced and widowed foreign spouses of Malaysians (upon provision of supporting documents) to reside and work permanently and independently of the Malaysian spouse, taking into account the best interest of the children and the family unit.
2) Allow foreign spouses of Malaysians equal rights to work.
2.1) Remove the statement of prohibition from employment on the visa and the requirement to obtain permission to work from the Department of Immigration.
2.2) Make employers’ contribution to EPF mandatory for foreign spouses of Malaysians.
2.3) Allow full benefits under SOCSO for foreign spouses. This is to include education, vocational, dialysis treatment and return to work programmes.
3) Allow foreign spouses of Malaysians equal rights to the following economic and social services for the best interest of their Malaysian families:
3.1) To open individual bank accounts.
3.2) To purchase affordable housing in Malaysia without being subjected to foreign investment directives.
3.3) To contribute to Tabung Haji.
3.4) To have local rates at tourist facilities and attractions.
3.5) To enjoy senior citizen discounts.
National machinery and policies for advancement of women
Kod Dasar:
Rusni Tajari
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
2c Women
1) Incorporate gender responsive budgeting at all levels of government
2) Roll out the National Policy on Women and Action plan for 2021-2030 with a clear mandate for gender mainstreaming across government
3) Ensure systematic collection/dissemination of sex-disaggregated data to implement effective, evidence-based policies
4) Undertake regular gender training across ministries
5) Set up a multi ministerial committee and build their capacity to understand their obligations under the ratified treaties, collect relevant data and prepare the pending reports to the treaty bodies concerned without delay.
6) Through the same multi sectoral committee develop plans to implement the concluding observations of the treaty bodies.
7) Incorporate these international obligations, and the setting up of a one stop centre for the gathering of relevant human rights data into Malaysia’s 5 year development plans as well as into the SDGs, assigning Ministerial responsibility according to subject matter and with budget allocation and monitoring responsibility.
8) Eliminate all dicrimination in the law especially in the laws that denies women the right to transmit citizenship to children born overseas.
9) Lift all reservations to CEDAW.
Sexual and Gender-based violence
Kod Dasar:
Karen Lai
Women's Centre for Change, Penang
2c Women
1. Government agencies should have greater consultation and dialogues with women and children’s NGOs working on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) to arrive at more holistic interventions to address SGBV.
2. The government should recognise the role of NGOs who are providing critical services on the ground for women and children by allocating annual grants for them.
3. The government should collaborate with women’s NGOs to train government agencies to be more sensitive and professional when handling victims of SGBV.
4. The government should collaborate with women’s NGOs to raise awareness so that members of the public are able to play a more supportive role in addressing SGBV issues.
5. Government agencies should work in an integrated manner to ensure the seamless provision of support for victims to access their rights.
6. The government should develop a comprehensive data collection system on SGBV which includes NGO data, and it should be made publicly accessible so that better interventions and strategies can be formulated.
Women’s participation in political and public life
Kod Dasar:
Rusni Tajari
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
2c Women
1) Implement a zero-tolerance policy towards GBV and discrimination, including by amending the Parliamentary standing orders.
2) Implement and institutionalise 30% quota for women representation in state and federal-level decision making bodies