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Barriers to Healthcare at affordable rates to non-citizen children with either parent Malaysian



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Allow all children (up to the age of 18) with either parent Malaysian to access public
healthcare with the same rate as Malaysians, upon provision of the Malaysian parent’s IC.
This includes children born overseas to Malaysians who may not hold a Malaysian Birth
2. Provide healthcare services for undocumented or stateless children.
3. Grant vaccinations and immunisation programmes free-of-charge to non-citizen children,
and maternal care for the mother.
4. Include non-citizen children in the national school system in the regular school health,
dental check-ups, and other initiatives of the Ministry of Health (MoH).




Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Engage and empower all children from all communities including refugees, asylum-seekers,
migrants and stateless to keep themselves and their peers safe through systematic
participatory assessments, capacity building, awareness raising against all forms of violence
including physical and online bullying and reporting them confidentially.
2. Institutionalise prevention and response to bullying and online bullying through child
safeguarding policies and child protection response procedures with all schools, learning
centres, community-based organisations, religious schools, residential care including those
run by NGOs and government with confidential feedback and reporting mechanisms
regulated by competent child protection authorities.
3. Avail adequate and effective rehabilitative services and support services for bullies and
survivors. Extend this service to refugees, migrants and stateless children.
4. Reform of policies in educational establishments following disclosures of bullying and
subject perpetrators to the laws that protect children in Malaysia.
5. Institutionalise regular awareness raising and capacity building on the negative impact of
bullying children, laws governing the protection and safety of children and confidential
reporting mechanisms with judicial, enforcement, medical authorities including SCAN and
OSCC, first responders, child protectors, social workers, teachers, school staff, NGOs,
families, children from all communities.

Child Sexual Abuse



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Establish inter-agency disaggregated data collection mechanism, conduct more action
oriented research with strict consent and confidentiality safeguards in place on child sexual
abuse cases incuding online crimes against children.
2. Institutionalise child safeguarding policies (PSEA) and child protection response procedures
with all schools, learning centres, community based organisations, religious schools,
residential care including those run by NGOs and government. Establish confidential
feedback and reporting mechanisms regulated by an independent and specialised team of
experts managing child sexual abuse cases.
3. Institutionalise a dedicated, confidential and non-discriminatory hotline for all child
survivors at risk of all forms of violence. Avail adequate and trained responders on
identifying and responding to child survivors.
4. Increase existing resources i.e more trained SCAN, OSCC, enforcement to bolster the
national systems and services to effectively prevent and respond to child protection issues
including online crimes against children.
5. Engage and empower children, parents, caregivers, communities through systematic
participatory assessments, capacity building, awareness raising on all forms of violence
against children.
6. Revoke the policy on No Further Action on child sexual abuse.
7. Establish specialised alternative care arrangements when required and rehabilitation
programmes for sexually abused children and those who manifest inappropriate and sexual
risk behaviour.

Child Trafficking



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Establish a formal, timely and effective child centred case management procedure including
accurate identification, response mechanisms, assessment for international protection to
ensure child survivors are referred for protection and services.
2. Institutionalise awareness raising and trainings on trafficking and smuggling, anti-trafficking
laws, Child Act 2001, SOACA, interagency coordination and data sharing, child friendly
interview techniques, confidential reporting mechanisms with anti-trafficking enforcement
and border control authorities, judiciaries, prosecutors, police, medical authorities including
SCAN and OSCC, child protectors, social workers, teachers, NGOs, religious authorities,
families and children including refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants.
3. Coordinate systematic dialogues on national and international data sharing with consent
and confidentiality safeguards, legal procedures and stronger cooperation with countries of
origins, transit and destination to prevent trafficking, prosecute traffickers and protect child
4. Stop arrest, detention and deportation of trafficked migrant and refugee children on
violating immigration laws and avail temporary residence permits, interpretation services,
redress, rehabilitation and compensation. Recommend repatriation following a best interest
determination for the trafficked child and in the case of refugees, government agencies to
coordinate with UNHCR.

Child marriage and Female Genital Mutilation in Malaysia



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Raise and standardise the age of sexual consent and marriage to 18 for all children.
2. Endorse a law* that addresses child marriages, penalises perpetrators including facilitators
of child marriages.
3. Synergise national laws to stop and address child marriages.
4. Strengthen provisions of laws relating to sexual offences against children to ensure marriage
is not a defence to the stated offences.
5. Include prohibition and response of FGM in national laws.
6. Accept and implement UN Resolution 71/175.
7. Establish interagency disaggregated data collection mechanism on child marriage and FGM
8. Expand the present National Strategy Plan to Handle the Causes of Child Marriage to include
comprehensive prevention and response programmes.
9. Avail non-discriminatory access to national child protection systems and services to all
10. Incentivise parents/caregivers through financial aid or employment to promote girls to stay
in school and complete their tertiary education.
11. Institutionalise dialogues and regular awareness raising and capacity building on the
negative impact of child marriage and FGM and comprehensive sexuality education and
emphathetic support available to vulnerable minors.

Children Living in Remote Areas



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Develop structures to create empowering partnerships with remote communities to
produce workable solutions e.g. provide preschool at village level by training local people;
build supportive, informative networks for children with special needs in their village and
nearest schools.
2. Ring-fence financing to ensure budgets are protected which provide the necessary travelling
and training costs so service providers and key members in the community can jointly
develop services.
3. Provide affordable and safe transport for children in remote areas to school.
4. Accelerate internet connectivity and use it to link people to services.
5. Assist children who have not been able to access online classes so they are not left behind.
Follow-up with those who do not return to school after the pandemic.
6. Allow all children in remote areas to attend school while their citizenship status is clarified
through collaborative action between the community leaders; the school and JPN.
7. Bring indigenous culture and knowledge into the classroom to increase interest, self-esteem
and unity. Use the internet to link rural and urban children so knowledge of contrasting
environments is shared, building mutual respect and broadening horizons.
8. Disaggregate data to track what is happening to children from different indigenous

Children's rights to education during the pandemic



Kod Dasar:

Srividhya Ganapathy

CRIB Foundation

2e Child

The education syllabus and teaching methodology must be relooked and revamped to cater for online learning. Government must be responsible to ensure that every child registered in school has the means or capacity to access online schools, and there must be a monitoring system in place to ensure that children are not dropping out of school or left behind. This would involve lesson plans designed for online learning, online learning methodology being put in place, teaching by sharing videos for example instead of the classic teacher delivery, shorter lessons, periods in the day when children can engage with their classmates online and develop friendships (which are essential to human wellbeing). Some thought and research (which can be done online as we are not the only country affected by the pandemic or whose children have been forced to online education) must be carried out and our methodology improved. Teachers too need to be better supported so that they understand that online learning methodology is different, and so that they can cope with online lessons.

Corporal Punishment



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Malaysia must commit in changing current laws to prohibit corporal punishment on children
and enacting legislation to explicitly to prohibit all forms of corporal punishment of children,
however light, in all settings.
2. Conduct more action oriented research on corporal punishment and the impact of children
and use the outcome to realign laws, policies and guidelines on educating, protecting and
rehabilitating children.
3. Raise awareness amongst parents,caregivers, teachers, school and learning centre staff,
enforcement agencies, judicial authorities, prosecutors, detention and prison officers,
residential care, NGOs and all communities on CRC, applying the best interests principle and
positive disciplining methods.
4. Establish an independent Children’s Commission on All Forms of Violence Against Children
which includes (non-biased) specialised NGOs on child protection to create and monitor
policies and guidelines implemented by relevant and multi-sectoral ministries and
authorities, agencies, NGOs, community-based organisations, schools, learning centres and
recommend policy changes to strengthen governance, safety and well-being of children.

Critical Need to Address Impact of Covid-19 on Children



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Amplify inter-agency efforts and coordination on prevention and response to children
affected by Covid-19.
2. CPRD should coordinate and set up a Special Committee including MOH , JKM and NGOs to
develop an emergency response to this critical issue to facilitate the sharing of information
for intervention and support for such children immediately.
3. Assignment of Fit Person for Orphaned Child (foster care, kinship, community based,
family based and residential care
In accordance with Section 30(c) of the Child Act, a child with no parent or guardian shall be
placed under the care of a foster parent or a fit and proper person. Finding a foster parent/a
suitable fit person/relative/family member for orphaned children is vital as they would be
able to overcome the grief of losing their loved one, have their basic needs and emotional
support met and protect them from all forms of violence.

Domestic Violence Against Children



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Revoke all provisions that allow corporal punishment namely - Child Act, Education
Regulations, Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Syariah Criminal Offences laws.
2. Establish an inter-agency data collection mechanism with confidentiality safeguards with the
police, JKM Hospitals, clinics, NGOs, UN agencies.
3. Conduct action-oriented research on violence affecting children at home, including refugee,
asylum-seeker and stateless children and share information with all stakeholders.
4. Institutionalise an independant and dedicated child hotline mechanism with a referral
system, and trained responders for child survivors of all forms of violence and neglect,
including online crimes.
5. Raise awareness and capacitate police, JKM including state child protectors and their
assistants, medical, enforcement and judicial authorities, NGOs, teachers, parents, school
staff on applying the best interests principle and determination, identification, child
protection case management, communicating with children and determining cases with
limited evidence.
6. Create awareness with families and communities on family unity, positive parenting, online
crimes against children, effective communication with children, sexual and reproductive
health including refugees, stateless and migrants.

Ensuring Refugee Children’s Rights



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Ratify the 1951 Refugee Convention Relating and 1967 Protocol, withdraw all reservations to
the CRC (Article 2 and 37), harmonize Immigration Act with Child Act 2001, SOACA and
anti-trafficking laws, CRC (Article 22), CEDAW to prevent immigration offences, arrest,
detention and deportation of refugee.
2. Amplify evidence-based and action-oriented research on refugee children
3. Provide alternatives to detention, particularly non-institutionalised care for all children
including refugees and their families.
4. Institutionalise dialogues, regular awareness raising and capacity building on refugee issues,
relevant laws and policies, best interest procedure and determination, confidential reporting
mechanisms with all stakeholders to maximize resources, enable fair access, strengthen
quality of services and ensure perpetrators are convicted and punished.
5. Avail interpretation services and child friendly, gender sensitive, culturally appropriate
information, education and communication materials in refugee languages on protection
and support services.
6. Establish an interagency disaggregated data collection mechanism on refugee children with
police, JKM, hospitals, NGOs, UN agencies, schools, community-based organisations and
learning centres.
7. Include refugee children in child parliament or child participation groups to nurture their
participation in programming and policymaking processes and decisions.

Violence against LGBTIQ Children



Kod Dasar:

CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster

Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)

2e Child

1. Ensure that educational institutions, prisons, detention centres, private and public spaces
are safe spaces by eradicating targeted prejudices and discrimination by students, teachers,
enforcement, judicial authorities, social workers, child protectors, families, communities and
all stakeholders.
2. Eradicate all State and school-endorsed laws, policies and programmes targeting LGBTIQ and
gender non-conforming children on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation
and gender identity.
3. Create awareness and capacitate parents, families, communities, enforcement, judicial
authorities, social workers, child protectors, religious authorities and all stakeholders on
CRC, LGBTIQ issues, best interest principle, positive parenting, referral pathways and
effective communication with children to address discrimination and violence against
LGBTIQ children.
4. Promote inclusivity of the rights of LGBTIQ persons in all national child protection laws and

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