# manifestorakyat2021
Orang Kurang Upaya
Better Treatment for Nationwide OKU (People With Disabilities)
Kod Dasar:
Rapelson Richard Hamit
Persatuan Anak Istimewa Sarawak (Perais)
2h Persons with Disabilities
1% Representation of People with Disabilities (OKU) in Gov and Private sector.
Representative at least one in every Local Gov body.
Representative at least one Senator for OKU Sarawak in Dewan Rakyat.
Representative at least one in Sarawak Assembly to present any matters regarding OKU.
Half discount rated for OKU (Purchasing of National Car).
Half discount rated for OKU (Purchasing of House).
Half discount rated for OKU (Post-paid/internet for all Telco).
Half price for OKU (Electricity Bill, Water Bill, Tax).
Half price for OKU (Usage of public transport/flight ticket).
Accessibility - Provide more OKU-friendly zone/public facility/supermarket/washroom and covered more.
Pushing for Pekeliling Akta OKU 2008 to be enforce as Law not just a Guideline only.
Anyone who deny this OKU Law, there will be punishment and fine (face music).
Free education for all OKU (from Kindergarten to University).
Incentive for Employers who accepting OKU workers from State and Federal.
Employment issue for PwDs (CRPD Art. 27)
Kod Dasar:
Law Reform Harapan OKU & AWL
Law Reform Harapan OKU & AWL
2h Persons with Disabilities
Systematic efforts are needed for meaningful progress on the following:
a. Training for more PwDs in skills that meet evolving labour market needs, with job coaching;
b. Disability inclusion awareness raising, with incentives, for civil service Heads of Departments to make reasonable accommodation, as well as hire and retain employees with disabilities;
c. Introduce comprehensive policy, disability inclusion awareness raising, financial and taxation initiatives for the private sector to support:
i. Remunerative work opportunities for PwDs;
ii. PwDs to succeed as entrepreneurs and in various forms of gig employment.
Harmonization of Domestic Legislation with the CRPD (CRPD Art. 33)
Kod Dasar:
Law Reform Harapan OKU & AWL
Law Reform Harapan OKU & AWL
2h Persons with Disabilities
a. Strengthen the comprehensiveness and update the definition of disability to include, e.g., rare diseases, psychosocial disabilities, persons with neurodiversity, temporary disabilities;
a. Include definitions of discrimination and harassment; (c) Establish remedies for those affected by discrimination and/or harassment;
b. Introduce penalties for non-compliance with the provisions of the Act and enforcement of the rights of PwDs;
c. Repeal all ouster clauses, including and not limited to Sections 41 & 42 of the PwD Act 2008 that prevent and protect government and public servants from being sued when they claim to have acted in good faith;
d. Establish an independent Disability Commission with powers to:
i. Mainstream disability issues;
ii. Investigate disability issues and provide legal advice;
iii. Compel any person to appear before it and produce any document regarding disability-related issues in an enquiry initiated by the Commissioner;
iv. Initiate action on its own accord relating to non-compliance with the Act and intervene where necessary in legal suits concerning disability issues;
v. Initiate action on its own accord relating to discrimination against persons with disability;
vi. Submit to Parliament for review and debate an annual report and raise issues concerning PwDs;
vii. Establish a tribunal to handle infringement of the rights of PwDs, as it is more cost-effective and members of the proposed tribunal would be specialists in disability and access to justice issues.
e. Honour Malaysia’s obligations under the CRPD by, among others, working on the following:
i. Pursue comprehensive harmonization of domestic legislation in diverse sectors (including but not limited to education, health, human resources development, employment, housing and local government, works, transport, communication and multimedia, domestic trade and consumer affairs) with the CRPD;
ii. Develop implementing rules to give effect to legislative measures that uphold and protect the rights of persons with disabilities and address discrimination and harassment experienced by persons with disabilities and those closely associated with them;
iii. Examine means of strengthening multi-sectoral, multi-ministerial and multi-level coordination to mainstream disability inclusion;
iv. Mobilize human and other resources to advocate, on a continuous basis, for public, civil service and private sector understanding of the rights of persons with disabilities.
Inclusive Education for all Children with Disabilities: Removing Accessibility Barriers Definition of disabilities ( visual and physical but need to look into spectrum of disabilities) Persons with disability act 2008. Defines it. Put statistics on desegregated disabilities.
Kod Dasar:
Brian Lariche, Amanda Kong
Make It Right Movement (MIRM), Community Advocate for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
2h Persons with Disabilities
1. Amend the Education (Special Education) Regulations 2013 and Education Act 1996 to mandate inclusive education as a right of all CWDs and repeal the 3 months’ probation period to determine suitability of a CWD to attend school.
2. Conduct independent audits on accessibility of schools for CWDs and allocate necessary resources to accommodate the needs of CWDs, such as a disabled-friendly toilets and ramps for wheelchair users.
3. Conduct disability awareness training for teachers to enable them to understand the needs of different CWDs and how to create an inclusive culture in their classrooms. There should also be awareness sensitisation programmes for students in schools and higher learning institutions.
4. Develop SOPs and guidelines in vetting the suitability of educators involved in Special Education prior to assigning them as “resource teachers” and “shadow aids” (eg sign interpreters and mobility assistants) for CWDs, to ensure that CWDs are given adequate guidance and support throughout their education.
5. Develop accessible forms of educational resources (textbooks and reference guides) for CWDs which should be updated regularly to reflect the national education blueprint (2015-2025).
6. Work with relevant government ministries and agencies, public and private bodies to curate an educational pathway for CWDs upon leaving secondary education i.e. a certified curriculum which focuses on capacity building and professional development, emphasising on hard and soft skills to enhance self-sufficiency in moving towards meaningful engagement with society.
Justice for mental disordered population or those with intellectual and learning disabilities
Kod Dasar:
Badlishah Sham Baharin
2h Persons with Disabilities
1. To enact the Mental Capacity Act similar to Singapore and UK legislation for ease of planning .
2. Ministry of Health must come up with SOP on how to identify them since childhood age.
3. Ministry of Health and Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development must discuss together to come up with a policy for them that consist of algorithm and pathway of care for them and agency to follow them up lifelong.