# manifestorakyat2021
Public Transport for Rural Areas
Ir Dr Tai Tuck Leong
Monsoon Malaysia
Kod Dasar:
3k Transport
Pernyataan masalah:
As majority of the rural folks work on the land, their transportation needs are different from those in the urban centres. For them, efficient links between homes and farms, and from farms to market places, are most essential. The local communities or local authorities are best placed to assess the transportation needs of their own communities and on how to enhance the links between homes and farms for the majority.
Nilai dan Kepercayaan:
A Rural Perspective – “Improve Availability and Accessibility to Public Transport”
Cadangan Penyelesaian:
1. Public transport may take the form of minibuses (for passenger transport) or utility vans (for goods transport); the essential function is to improve this enabling factor to assist these rural folks in their economic production process, be it for passenger or for goods transport.
2. The mobility needs of school children to and from schools are also of particular concern in the rural areas.
3. More equitable funding should be allocated for the transportation needs of the rural areas as they are often neglected and left out of the national transportation agenda.
4. Irrespective of the size of urban centres, bicycle lanes and pedestrian walkways should be encouraged and be built as an integral part of the public transportation system. This “last mile” effort must not be overlooked.
5. The bicycle or pedestrian networks should be well-defined and continuous. Cycling and walking must be considered as basic transport modes and be accorded due importance in the promotion of a green and sustainable environment.
Isu dan Polisi Semasa:
Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan: