# manifestorakyat2021
Yearly reporting of Child Commissioner (SUHAKAM) in Malaysia to Parliamentary Elect Committee
Badlishah Sham Baharin
Kod Dasar:
2e Child
Pernyataan Masalah / Isu:
Children’s issues are endemic in Malaysia. We continuously see rising cases of child abuse, neglect, malnourishment, and violence. These issues are amplified with the current COVID-19 pandemic which jeopardies the access to quality education, safety, and wellbeing of children. Statistics have shown in multiplying the number of child neglect and abuse in current years especially during the Movement of Control (MCO).
In 2019, Malaysia has made a progress by appointing The Child Commissioner (SUHAKAM) with the purpose to uphold the rights of children. Thus, proactive reporting to the parliament and public about this effort is crucial.
Nilai dan Kepercayaan:
There should be a regular update regarding Child’s Rights in Malaysia in accordance with the rectification of the Children Rights Commission (CRC) in Malaysia in 1995. Doing so, it will motivate and encourage proactive intervention from federal, state government, NGO’s and the public to promote and create a cohesive environment and culture for children to grow healthily in Malaysia.
Cadangan Penyelesaian dan Seruan Tindakan:
Yearly reporting of Child Commissioner (SUHAKAM) in Malaysia to Parliamentary Select Committee. Based on this annual report, appropriate actions should be taken to create a positive environment for children in the community which includes children’s safe space, safe school, and child-friendly urban development.
Isu dan Polisi Semasa:
Nilai-nilai & Kepercayaan: