# manifestorakyat2021
Enact an Anti-Torture Act
Ng Yap Hwa
Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy
Kod Dasar:
2b Human Rights
Pernyataan Masalah / Isu:
The endless death in custody incidences violated the human rights of detainees, be it Malaysians or foreigners. A new act is required to tackle the culture of impunity among all enforcement officers who involved in torturing detainees under their custodies.
Nilai dan Kepercayaan:
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. (Article 5 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948)
Cadangan Penyelesaian dan Seruan Tindakan:
Enact an Anti-Torture Act to penalize enforcement agency officers who physically or mentally tortured detainees under their custodies, for example MACC, Police, immigration and prison officers.
Isu dan Polisi Semasa:
Nilai-nilai & Kepercayaan: