# manifestorakyat2021
LGBT+ Community
Kod Dasar:
2f4 Gender
Pernyataan masalah:
The LGBT+ Community is one of the most discriminated within the minority category as the lives within the community have become politicised. Equal rights, protections and assistance to living are being debated compared to all the other categories - even though the LGBT+ community has been a part of various cultures around the world for hundreds of years including within Malay culture.
Nilai dan Kepercayaan:
N/A - require better explanation of the definition of values and belief used in this context
Cadangan Penyelesaian:
- Stop all prosecution and initiatives to prosecute LGBT persons based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression
- End all discriminatory speeches towards LGBTIQ persons
- Engage Suhakam and LGBT human rights groups to understand and address the systemic impact of criminalization and pathologization of LGBTQ persons in Malaysia.
- Place a moratorium on current laws that criminalize LGBT people to ensure access to healthcare, justice, and to assure personal security and safety as well as freedom from violence
Maklumat tambahan:
Please look through research documentation that have been done by local and international NGOs: JusticeForSisters, KRYSS, ARROW, IGLHRC etc.
Isu dan Polisi Semasa:
Komuniti LGBT+ adalah golongan minori yang paling kerap didiskriminasi berikutan kehidupan mereka selalu dipolitikkan. Hak sama rata, perlindungan dan bantuan dalam kehidupan sering diperdebat berbanding komuniti-komuniti lain walaupun komuniti LGBT+ telah beratus-ratus tahun menjadi sebahagian daripada pelbagai budaya di seluruh dunia termasuk dalam budaya Melayu.
Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan:
● Hentikan semua pendakwaan dan inisiatif untuk mendakwa golongan LGBT atas dasar orientasi seksual, identiti gender dan ekspresi gender.
● Menghentikan semua ucapan-ucapan berbentuk diskriminasi terhadap golongan LGBTIQ.
● Melibatkan SUHAKAM dan kumpulan LGBT hak asasi manusia untuk memahami dan menangani kesan sistemik jenayah dan patologi golongan LGBT di Malaysia.
● Memberikan moratorium undang-undang semasa yang menghukum golongan LGBT untuk memastikan akses terhadap jagaan kesihatan, keadilan dan menjamin keselamatan diri seta bebas daripada keganasan.
Maklumat Tambahan:
Please look through research documentation that have been done by local and international NGOs: JusticeForSisters, KRYSS, ARROW, IGLHRC etc.