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Melaksanakan Akta Skim Perumahan Masyarakat Ladang


Kartigesu Rajamanickam



Kod Dasar:

3e Economic Justice

Pernyataan masalah:

Tuntutan perumahan untuk masyarakat ladang telah wujud sejak berdekad lama kerana rumah (kuarters) yang dibina untuk pekerja ladang, bukanlah milik pekerja. Rumah tersebut diberikan untuk didiami oleh pekerja selagi si dia masih bekerja di ladang tersebut., Sekiranya, seseorang pekerja sudah bersara atau dihentikan kerja, pekerja tersebut harus memulangkan balik rumah tersebut kepada pihak majikan.
Rungutan kaum pekerja ladang ialah harga rumah di pasaran sentiasa naik dan tidak boleh dibeli dengan gaji rendah mereka. Ramai pekerja ladang pada masa itu terpaksa bekerja sampingan untuk menampung perbelanjaan keluarga dan niat membeli rumah jarang dikecapi oleh majoriti pekerja ladang. Skim Perumahan Masyarakat Ladang pernah dibawa oleh Tun Razak tetapi ia hanya kekal sebagai polisi semata-mata sehingga ke hari ini.

Nilai dan Kepercayaan:

Perumahan adalah hak asasi rakyat/pekerja. Selama ini, masyarakat ladang ditipu dengan janji-janji untuk perumahan sendiri dan pada masa yang sama diberi gaji yang sangat rendah. Pemberian rumah kuarters melalaikan usaha untuk membina rumah sendiri dan pada masa yang sama, golongan kepentingan seperti ahli politik memainkan sentimen perumahan sendiri untuk mengikat pekerja ladang menetap di rumah ladang. Harga rumah di luar pula adalah jauh sangat tinggi dan tidak mampu dibeli oleh pekerja ladang ini. Jesteru, adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kerajaan dan pemilik ladang-ladang untuk bersama melaksanakan Skim Perumahan untuk pekerja mereka

Cadangan Penyelesaian:

i. Kerajaan Pusat menggubal dan melaksanakan satu Akta Perumahan untuk Pekerja Ladang.

ii. Akta ini harus digubal dengan memastikan semua majikan ladang di negara ini melaksanakan Skim Perumahan untuk pekerja Ladang kepada pekerja atau bekas pekerjanya dalam usaha memberi hak milik kekal rumah tersebut.

iii. Skim perumahan tersebut disarankan dengan kerjasama dan subsidi sepenuhnya daripada Kerajaan Pusat atau Negeri dengan penglibatan Menteri Sumber Manusia, Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) dan kerajaan Negeri

iv. Kemudahan-kemudahan yang sedia dinikmati oleh masyarakat ladang seperti Sekolah, Tadika, Padang Permainan, Tempat Ibadat, Dewan dan lain-lain kemudahan harus dikekalkan atau dipindahkan ke kawasan abru dimana skim perumahan bakal didirikan

v. Antara contoh terbaik yang boleh diambil ialah Skim Perumahan PPR Ladang Siliau di Negeri Sembilan di mana kerajaan Pusat dan kerajaan Negeri membina 150 buah rumah di mana sebahagiannya adalah untuk pekerja ladang Siliau milik Sime Darby melalui proses pengambilan tanah dan rumah tersebut dijual kepada pekerja menggunakan sistem ‘ Sewa Beli’ (rent to own). Melalui skim ini, pembeli hanya perlu membayar sewaan bulanan sebanyak RM200 hingga RM250 sebulan selama tempoh 20 hingga 25 tahun sebelum hakmilik diserahkan kepada pembeli.

Maklumat tambahan:



Isu dan Polisi Semasa:

Housing demand for the estate workers has existed for many decades because the housing quarters built for estate workers are not owned by the workers. The houses are allocated temporarily, specifically according to their employment period. If and when an employee/worker has retired or terminated, the worker is required to leave the allocated house and return the house key to the employer.

The estate workers’ grievance is that their low wage is insufficient to afford the available houses in the market as the prices are constantly increasing. Most of these estate workers are compelled to do multiple jobs to make their ends meet. Thus, their dream/intention of purchasing a house according to the market rules is nearly impossible and rarely achieved by the majority of the estate workers. The Housing Scheme for Estate Workers formulated by Tun Razak in the ‘70s remains an extraordinary policy on paper, but its implementation is far from reality.

Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan:

Housing is a fundamental right for everyone. All this while, estate workers are deceived with promises of owning their own houses, while at the same time, their wages remain incredibly low.

The allocation of quarters creates a situation for the estate workers to neglect their efforts in building their own house. Stakeholders such as politicians exploit owning individual homes, which eventually ties the estate workers to the estate quarters allocated by their employers.

House prices in the market are exorbitantly expensive to the financial capacity of the estate workers. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government and estate owners to forge a corporation in implementing the Housing Scheme for their respective employees.


1. The Federal Government must promulgate and execute the Estate Workers Housing Act.

2. Promulgation of this act must ensure that the estate owners/employers adopt and abide by the Housing Scheme policy for their estate workers, including ex-estate workers, in complete ownership on these houses.

3. The housing scheme is recommended upon the cooperation and a full subsidy from the Federal government or State government, including the Human Resource Minister, Housing and Local Government Minister.

4. Existing facilities built for the comfort and needs of the estate workers such as schools, kindergartens, fields, worshipping places, halls and other benefits must be retained or shifted to the location where new houses according to the scheme shall be built.

5. The Housing Scheme of PPR Ladang Siliau in Negeri Sembilan is an excellent example that can be imitated. The combined effort of the Federal and State governments to build 150 houses yielded a welcoming result. Half of the houses granted for the workers of the Siliau estate are owned by Sime Darby through land appropriation and were sold to the workers through a rent to own system.

This scheme allows the buyers to purchase with a monthly instalment between RM200 to RM250 for a tenure of 20 to 25 years before the rights are transferred to the buyers. In this case, the estate workers.

Maklumat Tambahan:

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