# manifestorakyat2021
Pembaharuan Parlimen
More and Expanded roles for Parliamentary Committees
Kod Dasar:
Jas/G25 Malaysia
G25 Malaysia
3b Paliamentary Reform
Establish and reignite the Parliamentary Select Committees which have been established which should have oversight functions of government activities on a regular basis, as well as undertake special investigations when there are wrongdoings. Specific proposals include: setting up of Parliamentary committees for Legislation to consider bills, and other Parliamentary committees to oversee Executive activities; enhancing the PAC with chairman from the Opposition party as is the international practices; strengthen the legal framework and Parliament Standing Orders which define the processes cum procedures including the rules of best practices in appointments to plus functioning of parliamentary committees and their financing as well as independent administration.
Solid Mechanism To Make The Government Responsible and Accountable.
Kod Dasar:
Uli Jon Rock
3b Paliamentary Reform
A stealth and soilid complaint channel that would make polticians, their subordinates all the way right down to their staffs strictly responsible, accountable and punishable for their incompetency and wrong doings. Their honey moon life is the people's suffering. Year in year out the whole nation suffers from their mistakes and incompetencies. To improve management of the factors of production and the nation's quality of life.
To ensure the parliamentary select committee on appointment of key public officers to filter and approve qualified personnel including MACC chief.
Kod Dasar:
Ng Yap Hwa
Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy
3b Paliamentary Reform
To ensure the parliamentary select committee on appointment of key public officers to deliberate the candidacy of all key public officers including the chief commissioner of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the candidates shall have the background or education of human rights to prevent the deaths in custody in the future.