# manifestorakyat2021

3i: Health
The MOH assumes the largest responsibility for the performance and delivery
functions of public health. It fulfils these responsibilities by carrying out a variety
of intervention strategies and services centred on preventive care (i.e.
immunisation programmes) and disease control, from primary up to tertiary care.
Short-, medium- and long-term planning and coordination are required to
produce better health outcomes for the population.
The COVID -19 pandemic has exposed and tested the resilience of the health
system, especially of the public healthcare sector. Insufficient funding and
investment in infrastructure development over the past two decades, combined
with lack of planning for human resources in the public sector, manifested in
high bed occupancy rates in major public hospitals–a problem that had already
existed before the pandemic, and was further exacerbated by it–and Hartal
Doktor Kontrak, a nationwide workers’ strike organised by young medical
officers in protest against the government’s contract system appointment.
The Malaysian population’s health is also at risk due to rising trends and burdens
of non-communicable diseases. If the government and society were to continue a
‘business-as-usual’ approach, the situation would deteriorate and, worse, with
little or inadequate support still. The status quo is clearly not sustainable, and
plans for improving and strengthening the health system must be put in place
now. There are large gaps to be closed, especially in the running of primary
I: Investment in Public Health & Public Healthcare
From 2009 to 2019, public health financing for the MOH stagnated at around
2% of GDP. Health made up only 8.5% of total government expenditure in
2018, just slightly over half the rates of similar upper-middle-income countries
such as Thailand and South Africa, which ranged from 13% to 15%. This low
rate does not mean Malaysians were much healthier, therefore requiring fewer
health resources; on the contrary, low health allocations directly contributed to
the overstretching of the public health system. As the Director General of
Health, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, admitted in a 2019 news report: “We are
currently underfunded, understaffed, underpaid, overworked, overstretched and
with overcrowded patients.” In its election manifesto for the 2018 general
election, the Pakatan Harapan coalition had pledged an allocation of 4% of GDP
for the MOH; this is a good starting point to address the chronic funding
situation in the public health sector.
1. Prioritise health by giving it a budget exceeding 4% of the gross
domestic product.
i. Significantly increase the budget for MOH with immediate effect. The
funding from this budget should be separate from the COVID-19 fund.
ii. Target a 4% GDP public health expenditure within five years, and
increase it after that.
(Dr. Lim Chee Han, Agora Society Malaysia/People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-1)
2. Ensure equity in healthcare financing by implementing cross-subsidy
mechanisms based on principles of progressive taxation.
The “social wage” in the form of subsidised healthcare must be increased
because the wages of an average worker in Malaysia are low--only about one-
sixth of wages in western countries. Any scheme requiring them to pay more for
health would be unjust.
(Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj, People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-2)
i. Reject health financing schemes that rely on funds from the general
public through mandatory contributions similar to the Employees
Provident Fund, or mandatory health insurance schemes.
ii. Raise tax income from the richest sections of society and corporations to
increase the funds available for healthcare financing.
(Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj, People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-2)
II: Healthcare Capacity & Development in the Public
Overwhelmingly crowded conditions and long waiting periods for healthcare
service in the government hospitals and health clinics are still a common scene,
as reflected in soaring bed occupancy rates of over 70% in all state hospitals in
2019, even before the pandemic. Besides the healthcare workforce, healthcare
facilities and physical capacities must be expanded to accommodate and meet
local demands, especially in urban areas where over three quarters of the
population reside. In recent years, the number of hospitals in the private sector
have mushroomed in response to this surging healthcare demand. As of 2019,
there were more private hospitals (208) than public ones (154). Nonetheless,
private healthcare is not a sustainable solution as many lower middle class and
low-income groups cannot afford private hospital fees. Thus, it is the
responsibility of the government to take on this burden of providing a social
safety net for urban communities. Moreover, setting up more private hospitals
serves to encourage more specialists to migrate from the public sector to work in
these hospitals, to the detriment of training and healthcare in the public hospitals.
3. Impose a moratorium on new private hospitals.
This includes a ban on expansion of beds in existing private hospitals.
(Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj, People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-3)
4. Build more hospitals in urban areas.
Construct more hospitals or expand existing ones in urban areas, where there is
greater demand for healthcare.
(Dr. Lim Chee Han, Agora Society Malaysia/People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-4)
III: Health Workforce Sustainability
One of the most important goals in rebuilding post-pandemic is to safeguard the
collective health and well-being of the Rakyat. This cannot be achieved without
strengthening the bedrock of the public healthcare system, namely its workforce,
which is currently under tremendous pressure owing to the health crisis. Simply
put, we need to focus on two things: increasing the supply of public health staff
to fill in available vacancies, and improving their retention within the public
system, with the ultimate aim of creating a high-morale workforce that can
contribute towards consistent healthcare services.
5. Exempt healthcare staff recruitment from the Human Resources
Optimisation Policy.
All public healthcare personnel appointments are currently managed by the
Public Service Department, and are consequently tied to the Department’s
Human Resources Optimisation Policy, which contains a directive to trim civil
servant numbers by 1%. Under this policy, new appointments may only be
carried out on a rotating basis. An appeal was made by the MOH to the Public
Service Department in 2019 for healthcare staff to be exempted from these
recruitment policies. This should be implemented immediately to enable more
recruitment of healthcare staff, to overcome the shortage of healthcare workers
and stop the deterioration of quality in public health service delivery.
(Dr. Chee Heng Leng, Citizens’ Health Initiative/People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-5)
6. Establish a Public Health Services Commission to set up a transparent
promotional system.
Poor staff retention and high attrition rate from the public to the private sector
continues to drive the workforce crisis even further, causing delays in services
that impact most Malaysians.
(Dr. Chee Heng Leng, Citizens’ Health Initiative/People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-6)
IV: Primary Healthcare
In 2019, the National Health and Morbidity Survey reported worsening trends of
non-communicable diseases (NCD), reflecting higher rates of obesity, diabetes,
hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. NCD-related hospital admissions have
historically been a significant burden on tertiary care services, and this trend is
projected to worsen with the growth of an ageing population. As a result, the
government will have to deal with competing demands on public services, even
as the cost of care rises exponentially. Currently, about half of the MOH budget
is used for tertiary care, which is essentially the largest budgetary category,
estimated to cost RM14.4 billion in 2019. This crisis provides an opportunity to
enhance the role of primary care as the cornerstone of community healthcare, by
providing timely health advice and screening through established trusting
relationships between patients and their general practitioners (GPs). As the
population grows older and the burden of chronic disease increases,
implementing good family health practices, such as encouraging a practice of
visiting the same doctor, is extremely important in capturing the benefits of
continuity of care in the community.
7. Implement a Family Doctor System.
The MOH should implement a family doctor system with policy frameworks that
support better coordination of health promotion, patient advocacy, illness
prevention and end-of-life care. Currently, 70% of GPs are in the private sector,
but a significant portion have also signed up for the ProtectHealth PeKaB40
programme, a healthcare initiative focused on early detection and prevention of
non-communicable diseases among the low-income communities, which
complements the often overwhelmed outpatient government clinics. The budget
for such public primary care programmes should be increased accordingly.
(Dr. Lim Chee Han, Agora Society Malaysia/People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-1)
8. Integrate private and public primary care services.
Introduce a capitation funding system for primary care services, whereby private
GPs are contracted and funded by the MOH to cover and treat a certain number
of patients over a period of time and within a determined geographic location,
according to their place of practice. This way, GPs have “guaranteed patients”,
allowing them to spend ample time on health prevention strategies as well as
driving excellence in chronic disease management of the population.
(Dr. Chee Heng Leng, Citizens’ Health Initiative/People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-8)
V: Social & Inclusive Care
The country has seen an increase in suicide cases especially during the pandemic,
with women comprising 83.5% of 1,708 suicide cases reported between 2019 and
May 2021. More than half of the suicide deaths were individuals aged between 15
and 18 years. This is part of a long-term trend as communities continue to face
the double whammy of psychosocial and economic impacts.
9. Draft a comprehensive action plan for mental health and psychosocial
support for women.
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected women, many of whom have
been overburdened and hard hit, both at the workplace (especially in health and
social sectors) as well as at home. The increase in workload due to lockdown and
quarantine measures, on top of having to juggle multiple roles, has exacerbated
the toll on women’s mental health. In mapping out crisis responses to the
pandemic, the Government must ensure that adequate access to psychosocial
support resources targeted at women are put in place and strengthened, on top of
demonstrating adaptability and rapid responses, and that current and future
health policies include women’s concerns as a prime consideration.
i. Increase the number of psychiatrists, qualified counsellors and clinical
ii. Improve access to mental health services and treatments targeting
vulnerable women.
(Dr. Roohaida Othman, IKRAM, Proposal 3I-9)
10. Apply universal approaches in migrant-focused health.
Inclusivity of care also means emphasising migrant health.
i. Replace the over-securitisation approach with universal engagement in
managing migrant-focused healthcare. This should stem from an
intention of balancing between disease control, economic concerns and
social well-being in often fluid circumstances.
ii. Collaborate with civil society and community-based organisations in
health screening and contact tracing processes to ensure cultural safety in
healthcare services.
iii. Make available migrant health data, especially to relevant groups working
on this issue.
(Dr. Sharuna Verghis, Health Equity Initiatives/People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-10)
11. Give stateless persons universal access to basic healthcare services and
remove cost barriers for non-citizen children.
To better promote inclusive care, the government must provide stateless persons
universal access to basic healthcare services for stateless persons, such as
childhood immunisation programs and subsequent maternal and child health
follow-ups, with minimal administrative and financial barriers.
(Maalini Ramalo, Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas Malaysia, Proposal 3I-11)
Allow all non-citizen children (up to the age of 18) with at least one Malaysian
parent to access public healthcare at the same rate as Malaysian citizens, upon
provision of the Malaysian parent’s identity card. Non-citizen children should
also be enrolled in the National Immunisation Programme free of charge, and
allowed to take part in public-school-related health programmes such as dental
check-ups and other initiatives.
(Bina Ramanand, Family Frontiers, Proposal 3I-12)
12. Formulate a pandemic preparedness plan.
This includes enhanced collaborative efforts between local and regional
manufacturing capacities of vaccines, as well as inclusive social protection
systems at home.
(Dr. Chan Chee Khoon, People’s Health Forum, Proposal 3I-13)
Concluding Remarks
Despite the existence of heavily subsidised universal healthcare for citizens, there
are severe cracks in the system, as revealed and exacerbated by the COVID-19
pandemic. These key recommendations are part of a system-building effort to
better serve the Rakyat during the present crisis and for decades to come.
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For a better and fairer electoral system and to eliminate cronyism, corruption and
Index | First Name | Last Name | Organisation | Submission Date |
1 | Chee Han | Lim | Agora Society | 17/10/2022 |
1 | Swee Lin | Loh | Individual | 28/09/2022 |
2 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Mohd Asraf Sharafi | Mohd Azhar | Individual | 25/06/2022 |
1 | Chee Han | Lim | CSO Health Cluster / People's Health Forum | 14/06/2022 |