# manifestorakyat2021

2g5: Gender
This policy area focuses on two key communities, namely the LGBTIQ+ and
Malaysian mothers with overseas-born children. It highlights the need for better
treatment to be accorded to these groups, by pointing out the gaps in current
policies and proposing legal reforms to prevent and eliminate discrimination
toward to them.
I: Equal Treatment for LGBTIQ+ community
The LGBTIQ+ community in Malaysia face many unique legal and social
challenges that are not experienced by other minority groups due to the
politicisation of their lives and very existence. Most of the discrimination against
them stems from certain individuals and groups in power, whose rhetoric toward
the LGBTIQ+ community has encouraged the rise of an anti-LGBTIQ+
movement among religious conservatives and the political right. The Federal
Government endorses and funds rehabilitation camps for conversion therapy,
and some state legislators have even initiated laws that criminalise the
LGBTIQ+. As a result of such pressure and actions against them, many
LGBTIQ+ persons lack access to healthcare, the justice system and even
1. Stop all prosecution and initiatives to prosecute LGBTIQ+ persons
based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
(Arabelle Yong, L-INC Foundation, Proposal 2G5-1)
2. Place a moratorium on laws that criminalise the LGBTIQ+ community.
This will ensure their access to healthcare, justice, and assure them of their
personal security and safety, as well as freedom from violence.
3. End all discriminatory speech toward LGBTIQ+ persons.
4. Engage SUHAKAM and LGBTIQ+ human rights groups to address the
systemic impact of criminalisation and pathologisation of LGBTIQ+
(Arabelle Yong, L-INC Foundation, Proposal 2G5-1)
II: Citizenship rights of Malaysian women
Until the 9 September 2021 court ruling stating otherwise, Malaysian women in
binational marriages did not have the same right as their male counterparts to
confer citizenship on their overseas-born children by operation of law. Hitherto,
women were limited by Article 15(2) and its related Second Schedule, which
states that citizenship of a person born outside of Malaysia is upon application if
their mother is a citizen, whereas Article 14(1)(b) allows such citizenship by
operation of law if their father is a citizen.
It also did not help that the application process via Article 15(2) was fraught with
delays—ranging between 2 and 10 years merely to receive a response, repeated
rejections without reasons and no guarantee of approval. Malaysian women in
such circumstances faced a myriad of challenges, including inconsistent
bureaucratic requirements during the application process, vulnerability to gender-
based violence and compromised autonomy in the public, private and civic
Although the recent court ruling appears to have put a stop to this injustice
perpetrated on Malaysian women, the Government is appealing the decision, and
nothing has changed yet in the Federal Constitution.
5. Amend Article 14(1)(b) of the Federal Constitution to ensure Malaysian
women can confer citizenship by operation of law on an equal basis as
Malaysian men on their children born overseas.
Align it in accordance with Article 8(2), which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of gender.
(Melinda Anne Sharlini, Family Frontiers, Proposal 2G5-2)
6. Develop a clear and accessible standard operating procedure (SOP) to
enhance reliability and transparency in the processing of citizenship and
visa applications for non-citizen children of Malaysians.
The SOP must be made available on the Department of Immigration and
National Registration Department’s website. It should include a reasonable
timeframe until a decision can be expected and detailed procedures to appeal a
7. Allocate resources necessary to process the backlog of citizenship
applications within a reasonable amount of time.
8. Allow the submission of citizenship applications at Malaysian missions
This includes those applying for their children over the age of one year old.
Concluding Remarks
Gender equality has long been a critical issue in Malaysia. Although Malaysia
ratified CEDAW and UNCRC in 1995, even after 26 years, little progress has
been made to localise the Conventions with regard to LGBTIQ+ and citizenship
rights issues for women. The gap between the promise made by the Government
via the conventions and the lived realities of the Rakyat must be narrowed
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For a better and fairer electoral system and to eliminate cronyism, corruption and
Index | First Name | Last Name | Organisation | Submission Date |
1 | Chee Han | Lim | Agora Society | 17/10/2022 |
1 | Swee Lin | Loh | Individual | 28/09/2022 |
2 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Mohd Asraf Sharafi | Mohd Azhar | Individual | 25/06/2022 |
1 | Chee Han | Lim | CSO Health Cluster / People's Health Forum | 14/06/2022 |